Pure Health & Wellness Center is dedicated to providing you options that are convenient, safe, and cost-effective. We always work diligently to manage the costs of your health expenses and will always work with you to ensure we provide the best service at the best price. We never would want to cause a financial hardship to any of our patients and will always provide you options in your care.
Healthcare is becoming more complex, confusing, and expensive. We always do our best to explain to you what is covered by your plan as well as what obligations you may have for payment. The last thing we ever want is any kind of financial “surprises”.
Our Billing Procedures
If you have health insurance, we generally bill your insurer on your behalf. If your health insurance plan requires a co-payment, we ask you to pay this fee at the time of service. If you have an HRA or HAS you may use this to pay for your treatments. North Canyon Management is our billing firm who handles all of our claims and is specially training in billing alternative therapies and chiropractic services.
Once the claim is processed, generally, we wait 45 to 60 days to receive a payment directly from your insurance company. Once we receive the EOB (explanation of benefits) as well as the check, we will notify you if you owe any additional fees. Typically this applies if you have a deductible on your plan as if we are a contract provider; we are required to collect the full deductible.
Extended Payment Options
We realize that many of our patients may not be able to afford the full cost of various treatments so we offer on a case by case basis the ability to pay off your balance over a period of time without accruing any interest. Please talk with the office manager about your unique situation and we will work with you to help in any way that we can.
Financial Hardship
There are times when any one of us can find ourselves with more medical bills than we can manage. We encourage our patients who are experiencing a financial hardship to contact our office to find out what arrangements can be made for your care.